We offer services across an array of Strategic Human Resource Management areas that create healthy team cultures onboard and ashore.
We assist you in developing a culture that allows you to recruit, develop and retain crew that are cohesive, high performing and committed. Our solutions can enable the optimization of various stages in the crew member’s cycle including attraction, selection, onboarding, training, progression and retention.
Through our approach we create strategies and develop processes that ensure you have the right crew, with the right skills and experiences, onboard at the right time. We can assist you by developing fit-for-purpose solutions to ensure current and future operational needs are met with excellence.
We provide career development coaching at every stage of a crew member’s career. Whether you are entering the industry or are an experienced head of department, we want to work with you one-on-one to help you reach your career goals and full potential.
We also assist crew with transitioning into new careers ashore – we can work with you to develop a plan that will enable you to reach your goals.
Our services include career development coaching, CV and cover letter writing, interview preparation, network advice and job search strategies.
We provide performance management consultation and coaching that allows for high functioning teams. Our approach is holistic by accounting for various factors that influence crew performance including mental, social, physical and professional aspects.
Performance coaching enables better resilience in crew, encourages personal growth, increased collaboration, higher levels of motivation and better communication between leaders and crew.
By having a structured approach to managing crew performance, leaders are better equipped to enable high functioning teams.
Our team includes certified eDisc Behavioral assessors. eDisc allows us to identify the strengths and development areas of an individual and allows for true performance improvement through coaching.
We can conduct profiling for individuals or teams and this can be done at various stages in the employment lifecycle.